# About rules The built-in rules: - apply to standard CSS syntax only - are generally useful; not tied to idiosyncratic patterns - have a clear and unambiguous finished state - have a singular purpose - are standalone, and don't rely on another rule - do not contain functionality that overlaps with another rule In contrast, a plugin is a community rule that doesn't adhere to all these criteria. It might support a particular methodology or toolset, or apply to _non-standard_ constructs and features, or be for specific use cases. ## Options Each rule accepts a primary and an optional secondary option. ### Primary Every rule _must have_ a primary option. For example, in: - `"color-hex-case": "upper"`, the primary option is `"upper"` - `"indentation": [2, { "except": ["block"] }]`, the primary option is `2` ### Secondary Some rules require extra flexibility to address edge cases. These can use an optional secondary options object. For example, in: - `"color-hex-case": "upper"` there is no secondary options object - `"indentation": [2, { "except": ["block"] }]`, the secondary options object is `{ "except": ["block"] }` The most typical secondary options are `"ignore": []` and `"except": []`. #### Keyword `"ignore"` and `"except"` The `"ignore"` and `"except"` options accept an array of predefined keyword options, e.g. `["relative", "first-nested", "descendant"]`: - `"ignore"` skips-over a particular pattern - `"except"` inverts the primary option for a particular pattern #### User-defined `"ignore*"` Some rules accept a _user-defined_ list of things to ignore. This takes the form of `"ignore<Things>": []`, e.g. `"ignoreAtRules": []`. The `ignore*` options let users ignore non-standard syntax at the _configuration level_. For example, the: - `:global` and `:local` pseudo-classes introduced in CSS Modules - `@debug` and `@extend` at-rules introduced in SCSS Methodologies and language extensions come and go quickly, and this approach ensures our codebase does not become littered with code for obsolete things. ## Names Rule are consistently named, they are: - made up of lowercase words separated by hyphens - split into two parts The first part describes what [_thing_](http://apps.workflower.fi/vocabs/css/en) the rule applies to. The second part describes what the rule is checking. For example: ``` "number-leading-zero" // ↑ ↑ // the thing what the rule is checking ``` There is no first part when the rule applies to the whole stylesheet. For example: ``` "no-eol-whitespace" "indentation" // ↑ // what the rules are checking ``` _Rules are named to encourage explicit, rather than implicit, options._ For example, `color-hex-case: "upper"|"lower"` rather than `color-hex-uppercase: "always"|"never"`. As `color-hex-uppercase: "never"` _implies_ always lowercase, whereas `color-hex-case: "lower"` makes it _explicit_. ### No rules Most rules require _or_ disallow something. For example, whether numbers _must_ or _must not_ have a leading zero: - `number-leading-zero`: `string - "always"|"never"` - `"always"` - there _must always_ be a leading zero - `"never"` - there _must never_ be a leading zero <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```css a { line-height: 0.5; } /** ↑ * This leading zero */ ``` However, some rules _just disallow_ something. These rules include `*-no-*` in their name. For example, to disallow empty blocks: - `block-no-empty` - blocks _must not_ be empty <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```css a { } /** ↑ * Blocks like this */ ``` Notice how it does not make sense to have an option to enforce the opposite, i.e. that every block _must_ be empty. ### Max and min rules `*-max-*` and `*-min-*` rules _set a limit_ to something. For example, specifying the maximum number of digits after the "." in a number: - `number-max-precision`: `int` <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```css a { font-size: 1.333em; } /** ↑ * The maximum number of digits after this "." */ ``` ### Whitespace rules Whitespace rules allow you to enforce an empty line, a single space, a newline or no space in some specific part of the stylesheet. The whitespace rules combine two sets of keywords: - `before`, `after` and `inside` to specify where the whitespace (if any) is expected - `empty-line`, `space` and `newline` to specify whether a single empty line, a single space, a single newline or no space is expected there For example, specifying if a single empty line or no space must come before all the comments in a stylesheet: - `comment-empty-line-before`: `string` - `"always"|"never"` <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```css a {} ← /* comment */ ↑ ↑ /** ↑ * This empty line */ ``` Additionally, some whitespace rules use an additional set of keywords: - `comma`, `colon`, `semicolon`, `opening-brace`, `closing-brace`, `opening-parenthesis`, `closing-parenthesis`, `operator` or `range-operator` are used if a specific piece of punctuation in the _thing_ is being targeted For example, specifying if a single space or no space must follow a comma in a function: - `function-comma-space-after`: `string` - `"always"|"never"` <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```css a { transform: translate(1, 1) } /** ↑ * The space after this commas */ ``` The plural of the punctuation is used for `inside` rules. For example, specifying if a single space or no space must be inside the parentheses of a function: - `function-parentheses-space-inside`: `string` - `"always"|"never"` <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```css a { transform: translate( 1, 1 ); } /** ↑ ↑ * The space inside these two parentheses */ ``` ## READMEs Each rule is accompanied by a README in the following format: 1. Rule name. 2. Single-line description. 3. Prototypical code example. 4. Expanded description (if necessary). 5. Options. 6. Example patterns that are considered violations (for each option value). 7. Example patterns that are _not_ considered violations (for each option value). 8. Optional options (if applicable). The single-line description is in the form of: - "Disallow ..." for `no` rules - "Limit ..." for `max` rules - "Require ..." for rules that accept `"always"` and `"never"` options - "Specify ..." for everything else ## Violation messages Each rule produces violation messages in these forms: - "Expected \[something\] \[in some context\]" - "Unexpected \[something\] \[in some context\]"